What is a Contract Employee?
Contract employees are workers who are hired to work for a set period of time and/or at a set task. They may work at your work place or off site. They may also work online at their home office.The option also exists to hire a contract employee permanently without the costs of interviewing during his/her work period or at the end of his/her contract. The employer gets a known quantity.The contract period allows the employer to discover whether an employee will be a good fit for the company.
What do Contract Employees Do?
There are variety of tasks which contract employees can accomplish as well as or better than full-time employees. By using contract employees the company can hire for a specific job which requires several employees over a limited time period or add staff to cover for holidays, maternity/paternity leaves; illnesses, moves or other short-term contingencies.
Here are examples of jobs which can be accomplished by contract employees on site or off site thus freeing full-time employees to do their other tasks:
• Archiving Stored Materials
Rather than store materials and pay for costly storage space, contract employees can be hired to prepare paper documents for digital imaging, scan the documents and save them electronically. Then they can ensure there are electronic files and destroy the hard copies.
• Mailings:
Full-time employees' time is far too costly to the company to use them for this clerical task. Contract employees can collate, fold, insert, and sort mailings fast and accurately, prepare them for mailing and deliver them to the post office. Often contract employees can work off site thus saving office space.
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